Bible Study: The Crucifixion of Jesus

Weekly Bible Study

We are looking this week at the Crucifixion of Jesus. If we want to understand the heart of God we need to focus ourselves clearly on the Cross and there understand just who we are in relation to God. Before each time of study and reading pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see in a fresh way the wonderful life and teaching of the Saviour.

Day 1 Read Matthew 26:47-56

Over the years people have speculated as to why Judas betrayed Jesus – the truth is that we will never for certain know the answer. We do know that his act of betrayal was no accident and it is incredible that he thought he would get away with his betrayal. Incredibly, Jesus calls Judas his friend – Jesus still extends grace under the most extreme pressure. Despite all that is going on around Him Jesus is in supreme control – not Judas or the priests or the guards – Jesus. His highest priority was not to save His own skin but to fulfil God’s mission for His life. Lesson? There are often some things more important than the fulfilling of our own will.


Day 2 Matthew 26:57-68

Jesus is at the mercy of the Sanhedrin. He is being treated unjustly by people who should have known better. Everything about what is happening is unjust – these people have made up their minds irrespective of the evidence. They wanted to kill Jesus and get Him out of the way and out of their lives. The sad fact is that when people want to reject Jesus they are not interested in good argument and evidence. Their religion and its institutions had become more important than God in their lives. These people refused to accept Jesus’ central claim – that He was the Son of God. Yet Jesus was prepared to put up with all this unjust treatment because He knew something bigger was at stake.


Day 3 Matthew 26:69 to 27:10

Peter’s famous denial gets to me! Why? Because it reminds me too much of myself and how easily I deny Christ when I could choose another way. He gave in to pressure in order to save face and eventually his own skin. The good news is when we read John 21:15-19 we find Jesus willing to not only forgive Peter but commission him to greater service – no failure is so great that it debars us from further future fruitful service – we may accuse and demean ourselves but Jesus always restores and forgives.


Day 4 Luke 22:66 to 23:25

Notice the spin that the religious leaders put on their accusations about Jesus. They were wise enough to realise that they would not win the religious argument with Pilate – he was not interested in that – so they spoke Pilate’s language and portrayed Jesus as a political threat. People who are in the political process for their own gain will soon sacrifice moral principles, integrity and the truth in order to finally achieve their end. Herod was interested in Jesus but ultimately more interested in himself and so finally Jesus was of no consequence to him because all that mattered was Herod.


Day 5 Luke 23:26-56

Here we are on holy ground. Here the greatest acts of God are carried out for us – despite us! Here history is made. Here forgiveness is secured. Here reconciliation between us and God is effected. Here love is demonstrated beyond all understanding. Here were find the heart of God in His Son Jesus Christ. Here we stand naked and helpless and realise in the words of the great hymn – “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling. Naked come to thee for dress, helpless look to thee for grace!” Here history – my story and your story – changes forever.


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